Recovery from a Face Lift

Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Serving Baltimore, Columbia, Owings Mills, Towson, Nearby Maryland & Lower Pennsylvania

As is normal with any surgical procedure, your facelift with Dr. Basner will require some downtime. Depending on your individual circumstances and unique needs, this recovery period will vary, but Dr. Basner will go over all of the specific details with you before your procedure to help you make an informed decision.

To schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Basner regarding your facelift procedure and recovery, please call our Baltimore plastic surgery center at 410-616-3000 today.

Physical Recovery After a Facelift

Though every facelift is unique, many patients tend to make a full physical recovery within 2 to 6 weeks. During this typical time frame, you might expect:

  • 10 to 14 days away from work
  • Up to two weeks of visible bruising
  • Up to six weeks of limited physical activity
  • Up to several months of slight swelling and mild facial numbness

Whether or not you fall into this timeframe will largely depend on:

  • Your body’s natural healing abilities
  • How closely you follow Dr. Basner’s instructions for preparing for your surgery
  • Your willingness to follow all postoperative directions
  • Your personal perception of an acceptable appearance for social engagements

With years of surgical experience, Dr. Basner will be able to provide you with all of the detailed information you need prior to your surgery to ensure you have a perfect understanding of what will be required to help you achieve the best results possible and how long your recovery will take.

Revealing Your Facelift Results

Depending on your level of comfort with your appearance, you may feel confident with your new look as early as 2 or 3 weeks after surgery, however for many facelift patients, the full final results should become visible by the 6th month.

It’s important to note that your facelift will leave scars, however thanks to Dr. Basner’s expert hand, they should be inconspicuous and hidden from view almost entirely. Still, it’s important to understand that scarring will occur, no matter how minimal.

The longevity of your facelift results will also vary, but generally visual improvements can be noticeable for years down the road. Although your facelift will not stop your skin from continuing to age, the effects should be less dramatic after a facelift.

If you have questions about facelift recovery or procedures in Baltimore, call Dr. Basner’s cosmetic surgery office at 410-616-3000 to schedule a personal consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon.